Digital Marketing Specialist

I develop custom digital marketing strategies that drive web traffic and revenue through best practices in SEO & Digital Ads.

Mitch Woite - Buffalo SEO Consultant

Mitch Woite

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Digital marketing professional living in Buffalo, NY. I specialize in SEO and digital content. Check out my about page for more information.

What I Do

I am a search marketing expert with a primary focus in driving revenue through SEO & Google Ads.

Digital Marketing Consulting

I provide digital marketing services to local businesses to enhance their digital efforts in generating traffic and driving revenue.


Digital Marketing Specialist for Delaware North. I manage and optimize Google Ad accounts for global properties.


I graduated cum laude from Syracuse University’s iSchool with a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management and Technology and a Minor in Psychology.

Get in Touch

Want to know if I can help with your SEO or other digital marketing? Send me a message today.

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Do Blogs Help SEO?

Do Blogs Help SEO?

Blogging can be a powerful tool for SEO (and one that I have personally found success with). In fact, HubSpot found that companies who regularly blog have 55% more website […]
Is SEO Worth It?

Is SEO Worth It?

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be worth it for many businesses and websites. By optimizing your website for search engines such as Google & Bing, you can increase your visibility […]

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